Monday, August 24, 2009


To outline or not to outline? That is the question. Normally I don't but I tried the outline route this time with my new wip before I wrote the first actual word of the manuscript. I never looked at it again. It did help me to organize my thoughts in the beginning. I had some great new ideas last night so I thought I would take the outline out and add to it so I would not forget them. I looked at what I had written originally.....and I almost did not recognize the story.

Needless to say, I scraped the entire thing and started over. What was a one page outline is now four full pages and much better. I am excited. I even have the ending so with all my ideas down, the only thing left to do is finish writing and fleshing them out. Maybe a week?

I jest.

I know it will take much longer than that to finish the first draft and then the editing will begin. But I am optimistic, I see no writers block on this one as I have experienced in the past when I was stuck at a particular point in the story. Maybe an outline is helpful to keep you focused on where you are going and what to do once you get there.

So the answer to the outline question still is: Whatever gets you to 'The End'.


  1. I outline but I know it's not for everyone. Although, I don't stick to it exactly. :)

  2. Good post! I sort of outline. I write a little short summary to get an overview of the story. But then I just write, and things always change. I wonder if I should try the outline thing. It really helps with organizing ideas and knowing your story on a deeper level from the start.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Jennifer and Lisa! So far its really helping on this story. Its keeping me on track in each chapter and I also think it helps with those subplots. We will see how it goes. I am still all for creative flow though..when it happens.ha

    P.S. I hate typos!!!!

  5. I'm excited that your current WIP is flowing and I hope your organization helps you complete your first draft faster then expected.

    I try to outline. Most of my outlines just turn into bullet points that I want to happen in the story (in a loose order). I'm going to adress outlines next week on my blog as I try to discover which type works best for me. I'm trying the more detailed type right now.

  6. I outlined my book and I've kept to it mostly. I finished "On Writing" by Stephen King over the weekend and he doesn't believe in it at all. He's a firm believer in just letting the story "happen". So, since I am a beginer and he's sold millions of books...I'd say outlines don't help as much as you might want them too. Seems like it would help...but it's not as organic if you use one.

  7. Regina and J.J., I am that point exactly! Trying to see what works best for me! I love Stephen King...but I am starting to suspect his brain works on an entirely different plane than mine. I think I just found tomorrow's blog topic.ha

  8. It's odd, but my outlining (actually more like a page of nonsensical notes) comes about halfway through a manuscript. That's when I figure out who all the characters are and where they're going and what loose ends will have to be tied up before I can end the sucker.

  9. I sort of outlined a story but only in synopsis form. I used it to remind myself my ideas so that I wouldn't forget them as I started the piece. It helped, but I don't always do that.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.