Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Setting Goals

Setting realistic goals is much more important than you might think. I am a dreamer and a procrastinator at times. Setting a goal and sticking with it keeps me on track and focused when I would rather stare dreamily out the window and imagine my beautiful, perfect story....instead of actually getting down to the business of writing it.

I have set a goal of five pages per day, 35 pages a week. If I can maintain this then I estimate the first draft of my current work-in-progress to be complete by October 31st. I did the math. I am an accountant....I couldn't help myself.

I know I can do it and committing to this goal forces me to stay on task. I might have to skip a day for unforeseeable reasons but overall its a realistic goal. I tend to work better when I'm inspired or in a certain mood but I am also stubborn so I resist that side of my nature and want to develop habits that will benefit me in the long term....when I am writing full time on a deadline.

It also helps that my husband pushes me. I think he is dreaming of buying a Harley if I sell a book. He has his own goals in life.

What goals have you set for yourself?


  1. Finish up a rough draft of the WIP by 9/22. I have no idea if I will make this!

  2. Getting edits finished for my finished mss and finishing and finishing editing my wip.

  3. I'm getting frustrated with all this goal setting. Seriously... I think I spend more time thinking about the goals than writing. This is not good I tell you! So, here's my new "goal". Whenever someone asks me what my goal is, or when I'm going to be done. I'm going to smile and just write...write till my fingers can't feel anymore. Because I just need to be away from the world to be in my other one. Good luck with the goals and counting days. I'm off to write...LOL!

  4. Jennifer-You crack me up!ha Believe me I have those days.

  5. I'm a lot like you with setting goals. I have calculated that one WIP will be completed on December 11 with my current goals...problem is, I don't meet my daily quota sometimes (okay, a lot of the time). This is a reminder to get back on track. Thanks.

    Good luck with your goal by the way. Did you do your 5 pages today?

  6. Finish my editing by 10/31. yeah.. awesome date.
    After that, querying shall begin, while work on the next book.
    Good luck. Yours is a good, attainable, goal.

  7. Regina: I wasn't getting as much accomplished as I wanted so that was what motivated the goal decision. And NO have not done pages today, is it midnight yet?ha But I did 10 yesterday!
    Jim: Welcome!! We will both be celebrating on Halloween! I want to be done by the 30th because...who can work on Halloween? Wayyy to many good movies and candy to eat. I wonder if my writing would improve if I had a sugar rush?

  8. I find espresso rush, to the point of heart palpitation overdose does wonders for the the creative key banging. However, now that you mention it, perhaps I will change my goal to the 30th. I'm fairly confident my kids will want to dress up, and do kids stuff on the 31st... Guess i"m just hafta dress up and go a candy bender with them.. oh, the hard life.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.