Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Must: The Dark Divine

The Dark Divine by Bree Despain.

This story does a fantastic job of keeping you in the dark about what 'flavor' of paranormal you might be dealing with.  When the reveal does come, it proves that no subject is overdone if you know how to tell it right.  Grace Divine is the daughter of a minister and that brings its own unique set of problems, especially when your boyfriend turns out to not be entirely human...and your brother is acting sort of strange himself.

This is Bree Despain's debut novel and she is agented by Ted Malawar of Upstart Crow Literary.

A definite Monday Must Read!!


  1. Thanx for giving this a glowing review. i'll be on the lookout for it! Happy Monday!!

  2. The mystery alone sounds intriguing. I'll have to look into it. :)

  3. I've heard a lot of good things about this book. I can't wait to check it out!!

  4. I loved this book. Bree did a very good job at keeping me turning the pages, waiting to figure out what kind of paranormal creature we were dealing with. :)

  5. This sounds good and nice cover art, too.

  6. Thanks for the recommendation--I'd like to read this. And the cover is beautiful, isn't it?

  7. This one looks good. I will have to add to my list!


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