Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally Friday and Memorial Monday

Maybe it's just me but this week has been abnormally long.  Waiting for a three day weekend may have played a part, but an earlier work schedule didn't help either.  None of that matters now because it's FRIDAY!!!

And this is going to be my theme song all weekend:

I wish.  Not combing my hair is a serious possibility though. 

I'm actually going to be writing every spare moment on my b-nip (best selling novel in progress), spending time with the family, and maybe if I'm feeling especially ambitious...paint my bathroom.  Oh yeah.  I feel your envy. 

This weekend is also about remembering those loved and lost who fought in defense of our freedom.  Brothers and sisters, moms and dads, who won't be at the barbecue this year because they gave their life so we could live a better one. 

We will remember.


  1. Have a great weekend! Hmmm, paint the bathroom or write, paint the bathroom or write. I hope you make the right choice and force the husband to paint the bathroom. :)

  2. It's all too easy to forget the reason for the 3-day weekend. (In my case, it's a 4-day weekend because I took today off!

  3. Oooh, I want a b-nip of my own. Pretty please?

  4. lol, I love that song now!! :) Happy Writing!

  5. Awesome weekend plans. So when you're through painting your bathroom you wanna hop over and paint mine? And all kidding aside, find some young studs who will do it for a six pack. Then you can just hang out and watch. (I"m SO talking about painting your bathroom! It sounds wrong not to include that.) Have a great weekend!!!! =) Good luck on your b-nip. I'll be working on mine.

  6. I love b-nip! You always crack me up!

    I'm going to Costco this weekend. You can toss some of that envy back my way. ;)

    Yes, let's remember those who fought for us in the name of freedom.

  7. Have a great weekend! I plan on taking Bruna Mars advice and put my hand in my pants, and stare at the fan.

  8. Hope your b-nip is getting lots of good air time this weekend! I'd taking writing over painting any day!

  9. B-nip all the way baby! Have an awesome weekend!

    And btw I love that Bruno Mars song.

  10. I'm ex-military and my Mom and Dad met in the army. Dad just retired. So soldiers are x-tra specialz to me.

    PS, I love that Bruno Mars Song. It's ridiculously popular too. If you type 'L' on youtube, lazy song comes up. lol.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.