Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Insecure Writers: Love Me/Love Me Not

I have to remember and accept that not everyone will love me or my writing.  This fact of life hasn't changed since I played dodgeball at recess and it won't after I become published either.  But I hope I'm strong enough to blow it off if one day someone I greatly admire disses me in public.

The next slide was going to be Stephenie mowing down J.K. and Steve with a van but I thought I might be taking this post to a violent place...

I am open to compliments regarding my artistic abilities.  There is a reason I usually stick to words. 

This post is part of Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group. Because we all need a little group therapy.


  1. Wow, you whipped that post out fast! That's talent, girl.

    And, nope, not everyone is going to like us or our writing, but if the right people do, that's all that matters. :))

  2. Of course everyone won't love our writing, that's why there's so many different genres. As long as we are pleased with our work that all that matters. Keep the dream and stay positive.

  3. Hi Marsha,nice to meet you. Writing and illustrations, I'm impressed.
    I'll be back.

  4. I'm printing up that Stephen King and his words and posting them by my computer. It'll be like a little saint looking over me during times of doubt.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.