Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did You?

Because in my family, if you don't vote you can't bitch. This should be a law.

Completely Unrelated:

Remember when Brad Pitt looked like this? Yeah.

Happy Election Day.


  1. I did it last week. You know I won't pass up an opportunity to bitch. :P

  2. Got 'er done this morning and got the sticker. Took the Kid for her first vote at lunch. Hubs voted when he got a break this afternoon. We did our part and we'll be happy to bitch in the coming 4 years - whoever wins. ;o)

  3. Oh yes and I have my sticker to prove it :)

    And I do remember when Brad Pitt looked like that. Yikes!

  4. I tried to vote, but they said it was only for Americans. Ridiculous, I know. Next time I'll write in as Big Bird.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.