Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Flashbacks

The year is 1932.

It was a difficult year. The Depression was still in full swing. Jobless veterans of World War I marched on Washington. But there were a few good things to be happy about.

You were cool if you wore something like this:

Greta Garbo was the darling of Hollywood.

The Best Picture Oscar: Grand Hotel.

Bestselling Novel: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

The Yankees won the World Series.
The first parking meter was invented.

And the most wonderful person in the world was born. My mother.


  1. linked to you from arlee bird's site.

    your post is so cute it made my day!

  2. Awww that's a nice tribute to your mom!

  3. Aww, that was soo sweet! I loved the nostalgia.

  4. How did I miss Friday Flashbacks? This is one of my favorites.

    You do your mom proud.


It helps to know I'm not just talking to myself.